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Join our 10 year celebrations!

Join us for a day of celebrating local food and the Tamar Valley as we mark 10 years of Tamar Valley Food Hubs! Everyone is welcome - let us know if you can join us!

When: 10am - 5pm on Saturday 16th of September

Where: Harrowbarrow & Metherell Village Hall

10am - 3pm: Community apple pressing

Bring along your apples to be pressed for a donation, and don't forget to bring containers to take your juice away in!

12 - 2pm: Lunch

We’ll be serving up a free lunch of soup, bread and cake (until it's gone!) with teas and coffees available throughout the day.

12 - 2.30pm: Produce Market

Our friends Apple Natural, Salutum, Hanson Fine Foods, Trehill Farm, Val's Cakes, Wheal Farm, Callington Fresh Produce and Challons Combe Organics will be joining us for a market, with local apple juice and honey available too - bring a shopping bag and stock up on some lovely local produce!

3 - 4pm: Gardeners' Question Time

Wondering how to supersize your sprouts, perfect your parsnips, cook with kohlrabi or cultivate cut flowers? Put all your gardening and growing questions to our expert panel on the day or email with your questions!

4pm: Raffle Prize Draw

We'll be running a raffle to raise funds for Callington and Tavistock food banks.

4pm onwards: Lil Pizza Heaven

Lil Pizza Heaven will have their delicious pizzas available to buy from 4pm onwards. Message 07708 617 218 to order your pizzas in advance - try our their special ‘Tamara’ pizza, topped with veggies all grown in the Tamar Valley!

All day: Films and photos

Calstock Archive will be be joining us with a display of Tamar Valley market gardening photos. Take a seat with a cuppa and enjoy the slide show, as well as our Tamar Grow Local project films of past and present on the Good Food Loop, Grow Share Cook and Heralds of Spring.


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