Over the past year, we’ve been working together with students and lecturers at Plymouth University to create a recipe book! With their help and hard work, tried and tested recipes developed over the years as part of our Grow Share Cook project have been turned into a beautifully illustrated book. Participants in the project will now each receive a free copy to help them make the most of their seasonal veg bags.
On Wednesday, we launched the recipe book at an event at Leadworks in Plymouth, where we were joined by students and lecturers from Plymouth University, partners and friends of Tamar Grow Local who have been involved in or supported Grow Share Cook over the years.
What is Grow Share Cook?
Grow Share Cook is a project we deliver that’s funded by Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Community Homes and Livewell Southwest. It allows us to deliver free veg bags of local, seasonal veg and fruit to recipients across the city every fortnight for up to a year. Recipients can also come along to free cooking sessions to learn skills and share ideas for how to make the most of their veg deliveries.
Individuals and families are referred to the project by our partner organisations, as well as community groups from across the city. Over the years we’ve worked with different cohorts and now, in the project’s 9th year, we’re delivering veg to those experiencing food insecurity in Plymouth.
We source as much veg as we can from local growers in the Tamar Valley who sell through the Food Hub, with a few extras bought in from our local wholesaler.
Developing our recipe book
We deliver a recipe sheet with each veg bag which includes instructions for preparing any unusual veg, as well as one or two suggested recipes for anyone who needs some extra help or inspiration. Over the years, as we’ve delivered hundreds of seasonal veg bags, we’ve also built up a comprehensive library of recipes. We try to make our recipes ones that are easy to follow, that use readily available ingredients, and that have options for low-energy cooking where possible too.
As well as the recipe sheets we deliver every fortnight, those taking part in the project are invited to join us for cooking sessions throughout the year. This year, sessions will include one with a family focus where children can come along and learn some cooking skills, and a winter session all about making nutritious, filling meals. Through the project, we want participants to have access to fresh, high quality veg, and to grow their cooking skills, exchange ideas and inspiration with others learning with them, and to improve their confidence in the kitchen.
Our new recipe book has a selection of 48 of our favourite seasonal recipes from Grow Share Cook, and each one also includes suggested ways to adapt the recipe as well. Each participant in the project will now receive a free copy of the book, with copies also available to loan from libraries in Plymouth too.

If you would like to buy a copy yourself, the recipe book is now available to order through the Food Hub where you can also choose to donate one. We’ll be distributing donated copies to local foodbanks, libraries and community organisations. If you know of an organisation that might appreciate one, please let us know!